Checkmate: Days That Changed The History of Puerto Rico Part I
From San Juan, Puerto Rico José E. Velázquez Luyanda Co-Editor of The Puerto Rican Movement: Voices From the Diaspora Day of Rosello Resignation. Courtesy of Noticentro PR I landed at Luis Muñoz Marin Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico on July 30th, a few days before the announced August 2nd resignation of Puerto Rico’s Governor Pedro Rosello. By chance I met the Univision (NY) journalist who had been sent to report on these historical events directly from Puerto Rico. While we waited for our suitcases, social media speculated about growing opposition to Pedro Pierluissi who was to be nominated as Secretary of State, therefore becoming the next Governor. Some speculated that Rosello would withdraw his resignation and remain in his post, unlikely due to the massive opposition of the entire people of Puerto Rico and the ruling party itself, the New Progressive Party (PNP) who sought to survive this political debacle. The many political maneuvers being executed would be similar to ...