
Showing posts from 2019

Fallece Marisa Rosado

Con pesar comunicamos el fallecimiento de doña Marisa Rosado. Patriota y biógrafa de don Pedro Albizu Campos. Gestora cultural por excelencia dedicó su vida a Casa Aboy. Colaboró, siempe entusiasta y motivadora, con la Fundación Casa Albizu. Extrañaremos su amistad, compromiso y fervor patrio. En esa otra dimensión, recibida y abrazada por su amado esposo Efraín, Albizu, Corretjer, Matos Paoli, Lolita, Carmín Pérez, Isabelita Rosado, Blanca Canales, Figueroa Cordero, Irving Flores, Filiberto, Clemente Soto Vélez, Moncho Aboy y junto todos y todas las Patriotas que la antecedieron en coro dirán; ¡Viva Puerto Rico Libre! Edwin F. Rosario Fundación Casa Albizu


By José E. Velázquez Luyanda Part 1: “Checkmate: Days that Changed the History of Puerto Rico,” provided a survey for the reader of the Summer of 2019 in Puerto Rico, especially for those unfamiliar with the details of the historical moment. I chronicled events leading to the forced resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosello on August 2, 2019 and the complex internal feud within the ruling party, the New Progressive Party ( Partido Nuevo Progresista ).  These internal divisions played out like a complex game of chess as the Puerto Rican people watched, having just participated in a movement of civil disobedience that shook the ruling class in its bootstraps.  The main chess master was Senate President, Thomas Rivera Schatz, who engineered the removal of Rosello’s hand picked successor, Pedro Pierluisi, when the Puerto Rico Supreme Court unanimously ruled on August 7th that his selection as governor was unconstitutional.    The Senate, who had refused to ratify hi...

Federico Lora López Fighter for Social Justice and Human Dignity

July 30, 1945–June 14, 2019 By  Victor Quintana September 14, 2019 Federico Lora Lopez. ( Family Photo.) Federico Lora López was a revolutionary who fought most of his adult life for social justice and for Puerto Rico’s independence.   Federico was not born in Puerto Rico nor was he the son of Puerto Rican parents in the United States.   Rather, he was born in the Dominican Republic on July 30, 1945.   His parents immigrated to New York City when he was a child and established the Upper West Side of Manhattan as their home.   Federico’s new neighborhood in New York City was the home to many Puerto Rican families.   His closest friends growing up were Puerto Rican, and he was accepted as one of them.   He, in turn, became very familiar with Puerto Rican culture—its values, norms, and practices. Federico was a product of the cultural, social, and political zeitgeist of the United States in the 1950s and 1960s...

EVENT - Puerto Rican Social Justice Movements


Checkmate: Days That Changed The History of Puerto Rico Part I

From San Juan, Puerto Rico José E. Velázquez Luyanda Co-Editor of The Puerto Rican Movement: Voices From the Diaspora Day of Rosello Resignation. Courtesy of Noticentro PR I landed at Luis Muñoz Marin Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico on July 30th, a few days before the announced August 2nd resignation of Puerto Rico’s Governor Pedro Rosello. By chance I met the Univision (NY) journalist who had been sent to report on these historical events directly from Puerto Rico. While we waited for our suitcases, social media speculated about growing opposition to Pedro Pierluissi who was to be nominated as Secretary of State, therefore becoming the next Governor. Some speculated that Rosello would withdraw his resignation and remain in his post, unlikely due to the massive opposition of the entire people of Puerto Rico and the ruling party itself, the New Progressive Party (PNP) who sought to survive this political debacle. The many political maneuvers being executed would be similar to ...

Event - Puerto Rican Social Justice Movements - Sept. 27, 2019


Revolutionary Figures Art Exhibition by Luis Cordero & Carlito Rovira


In Memoriam _ Federico Lora Event Info


In Memoriam - Federico Lora Lopez

On June 14, 2019, the revolutionary Federico Lora López died in San Juan, Puerto Rico. In 1970, Federi-co was one of the founders of El Comité (later El Comité-Movimiento de la Izquierda Nacional Puer-torriqueño) in New York City, a socialist and anti-imperialist organization, rooted in the Puerto Rican community. He subsequently moved to Puerto Rico where he graduated from the University of Puerto Rico Law School. For over two decades, Federico litigated cases in the federal and local court systems. During the 1980s, he was an editor of a now defunct socialist and independence journal, Pensamiento Crítico. Federico was also active in the trade union and independence movements. To celebrate Federi-co’s life and social justice contributions, friends and comrades are organizing a memorial.



Emergency Protest - Rossello Must Go!!


Preguntas que debe contestar Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana

1 de mayo 2019 Por: José Nicolás Medina Fuentes El amigo Ángel Villarini publicó en su página las razones porqué apoya a MVC. Surgió un interesante intercambio de comentarios. Hice unas preguntas que no fueron contestadas por la dirección de MVC. El amigo Luis Alonso Vega me solicitó que publicara esas preguntas como publicación separada para beneficio del público lector y recibir respuesta a las mismas. A continuación las comparto y añado una sobre el voto de la diáspora. Hay varias preguntas apremiantes que MVC debe contestar institucionalmente: 1. ¿ Es MVC independentista? 2. ¿Cual de las dos marchas del 1 de mayo promueve MVC, la de la Milla de Oro o la de la Fortaleza? 3. Quien debe pagar la deuda pública odiosa: el pueblo de Puerto Rico o el gobierno colonialista de Estados Unidos? 4. ¿Respalda al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela o a Guaidó? ¿Condena el golpe de estado o apoya el ingerencismo imperialista? 5. ¿Apoya que se le confiera el derecho al voto de l...

Casa Paoli/ La Campechada/ Ponce/ Artistas exhiben y venden sus obras de arte

La Casa Paoli del Centro de Investigaciones Folclóricas de Puerto Rico, Inc. se une a la fiesta cultural de las artes conocida como La Campechada. La 5ta. edición de este magno evento mantendrá la atención de miles de visitantes en la zona histórica de la Ciudad. El programa en la Casa Paoli [calle Mayor numero 2648] es muy variado e interesante: - un grupo de artistas exhibirán y venderán sus obras en la calle, frente a la Casa Paoli; además, - en la mañana, 9:00am: recorrido por las exposiciones permanentes: Antonio Paoli, Herencia africana, Instrumentos musicales tradicionales de Puerto Rico, la obra gráfica de la Casa Paoli, la galería de exposiciones itinerantes y el Patio de los poetas; Apertura del Bazar de las telas africanas; - 10:00 am Diáspora en Acción :Exposición de obras más recientes de la artista Nitza Tufiño dedicadas al maestro Juan Morel Campos: Maldito Amor [galería] ; Develación en el balcón de la Casa Paoli de los grabados impresos sobre tela por el grupo...

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Public Accountability Report


May Day in PR 2019
