Acupuncturists Without Borders, Yauco, Puerto Rico

By Ramón Serrano

January 18, 2020 - Our second venture into the earthquake zone coincided with a health fair directed at those refuged outside of Yauco's baseball stadium. Once again, it was a displaced community of entire families housed under personal tents and tarps. It seemed that the inside of the stadium proper was reserved for a contingent of National Guard troops assigned to help with the logistics. The health fair itself, which had been well advertised, included all manner of medical expertise and professionals. It consisted of MDs specializing in everything from Gynecology to Internal Medicine. It also attempted to address the emotional scars caused by the stress and included Psychologists and Social Workers as well as other mental health professionals. The effort was augmented by the continuation of the support of the community at large who organize sessions of play therapy for the children, while also continuing to provide supplies of day-to-day necessities.

Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB) participation was arranged via a connection that one of our members had with a prominent family in Yauco, Keishla Torres, the eldest daughter off the family, who has taken the lead in the town's recovery effort. She arranged for us to have a tarp in the area where people were living.

The difference between this clinic and the one in Guayanilla last week was that we wound up treating primarily first responders. In this case the title has to do with the members of the community who themselves have been personally affected by the calamity but chose to put their particular needs on hold in order to help their neighbors. Without fail, when we suggested that they sit for a treatment, their response is usually in the negative because they feel guilty about taking the spot of someone who might need it more. When we finally convince them that it is necessary for them to be whole in order to continue their selfless mission, is when we hear of their own individual fear and trauma.

The work continues. This is much more of a marathon than a sprint. The Puerto Rican people have taken the lead in addressing the crisis. The Government is trying feverishly to save face and "catch up." The recent decision by the Trump administration to release the illegal holdup off the aid has everyone on high alert, to make sure that it gets distributed in an honorable fashion. The people, as proven by the ouster of former Governor Ricardo Rossello, are no longer asleep.

Ramón Serrano -

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