Pro Independence Organizations in Puerto Rico and Diaspora Support the Demand for Justice for George Floyd

The organizations of the National Liberation Movement of Puerto Rico, signatories to this statement, express our strongest support to African-American communities that during the past few days have been protesting in the streets of the United States, demanding justice for George Floyd. We also join the demand for the immediate arrest and  prosecution of the policemen who murdered him.

The murder of George Floyd, a young African-American worker, in broad daylight and in front of the cameras adds another affront, a direct attack on African-American communities and all oppressed communities in the U.S. The police and far-right forces have been emboldened by the sectarian policies of the racist president and the forces of America's corporate-financial elite in power, who want to rewrite history by ripping off conquered rights, even if it means taking the American people back into a civil war.

Puerto Ricans, Latinos, Native Americans, and all oppressed communities, as an important component of the working class that moves the country's economy, suffer daily from the injustices of a system based on the exploitation of labor, racial, ethnic and gender discrimination, which, through oppression, seek to maintain the established order and privileges of a parasitic social class in power.

Our Puerto Rican communities (New York, Chicago, Newark, Connecticut, Florida, amongst others) in exile in the U.S. and the Puerto Rican independence movement particularly know well the brutality of the state that persecutes and murders those who fight and resist oppression, discrimination, and exploitation.  That's why we stand in solidarity with African-American communities across the United States that are on the front line of defense against the fascist, racist, and sexist state. It is clear their struggles, ultimately, are also ours. We affirm that an oppressed people are always given the right to self-defense by refusing to continue to be the daily target of repression and murder.

Historically, we have denounced and evidenced at every moment of social confrontation, the role of the police and the state's repressive forces in protecting the property and interests of the ruling political class, whose interests are antagonistic to the interests of the majorities of the people. Other repressive bodies such as the FBI, NSA, CIA and paramilitaries are a tool trained to kill to achieve that end by waging war against all working communities.

In making our call, demanding justice for George Floyd and all those who have been victims of brutality and murder by the police and repressive forces, we remember that we are witnessing a sharpening of social class struggle, which deepens with the collapse of the capitalist model and its consequent rise in unemployment, lack of adequate medical services, extreme poverty, hunger and increased misery.

It will take a radical change of the social contract to overcome the crisis. Now is the time for solidarity and unity of oppressed and working peoples.

Signatory Organizations:

A Call to Action on Puerto Rico (New York)

Comités de la Resistencia Boricua

Comité de Solidaridad con Cuba

Comité Solidaridad Diáspora Boricua (Massachusetts) 

El Grito (New York) 

Frente Independentista Boricua (New York)

Frente Socialista de Puerto Rico

Grupo de Apoyo Personas con Discapacidad New York

Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano (MINH)

Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario

Movimiento Nin Negrón

Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores Puertorriqueños (Macheteros)

ProLibertad (New York)

Puerto Rico Tribunal

Unión Patriótica Boricua (Florida Central)

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